Wednesday, May 31, 2006

...We sense there is some sort of spirit that loves birds and animals, and the ants -
perhaps the same one who gave a radiance to you in your mother's womb.

Is it logical you'd be walking around entirely orphaned now?

The truth is, you turned away yourself,
and decided to go into the dark alone.

Now you are tangled up in others, and have forgotten what you once knew
and that's why everything you do has some weird failure in it.

Kabir 'The Radiance' (13th century)
Translated by Robert Bly.

Monday, May 22, 2006


My Dad is one of the smartest people I've ever known.
And That's saying a lot. His profound significance in my life provides insight to the reason of my existence and Being. I have however...most unfortunately.. never quite manifested an ultimately perfect relationship with him. We fight with an inconceivable heat of which later either He or I will establish a certain kind of awkward apology to each other. All probably through the obligation of that father-daughter bond thingy. (jk)
I Do perceive him as a man of unfathomable what Does that tell me about myself when our opinions collide?
I do respect him, yet I find myself rising above that identification and it implies a disconuity, almost a what I myself think. I suppose I should contemplate my part in disintegration of this connection. Perhaps there could be a delusion that underlies and governs whatever I say, think or do that my D recognizes ( in general, but Not specifically) and tries to say, fix it?
I wallow in negativity . Misery? Love it. 8)
Joy and Misery are intrinsically connected.
For what is misery if you have not experienced joy in itself?
And What is joy if you have not experienced misery itself? I do thinks my version fo the Yin and The Yang works pretty darn well. Hardly arguable.
Perhaps I should put this in a more high-school manner for those who find this hard to digest. In terms of money perhaps? Universal, yes? 8)
I'm not being patronizing, if you'd like to think I am though...Go ahead.
Intense joy of a businessman when he strikes a 6 million deal, then loses it to his backstabbing partner. Misery
Alright I Know I can boil up something farrr better but Simplification and going down a peg makes it easier for EVERYONE to understand. Yes? Again...I'm not being patronizing but if you'd like....etc.
Both coincide really. The bright side is that joy is much more appreciated after misery. And that momentary freedom you have from any dreadful burden conscious in you all that essentially matters.
My father talked to me about this very good book. I think all politicians should take a look. No you know what, read the whole bloody thing you dirty dirty unscrupulous lot. 8)
The book implies...Not imposes take note that ' I will be free to let go of my unhapiness the moment I recognize it as unintelligent.
Negativity is not intelligent.
It is always of the Ego.
Ego may be clever but it is not intelligent.
Cleverness pursues its own little aims.
Intelligence sees the larger whole in which all things are connected.
Cleverness is motivated by self-interest, it is short-sighted, short-lived and eventually self-defeating.
Cleverness divides. Intelligence includes.
What are you?
I say I am of Nothingness. That One day, cessation of my existence leading to be like the ashes, the dirt and the air just proves there is futility in labelling myself as such...unless it's gonnabe in a hard cover book where everyone would actually learn something from wins. My losses, my mistakes, successes and what-not. [ Life's Lessons Through The Eyes of *Insert Name*] ick.
D:You are clever and slightly intelligent. What do you say to that?
2 very nice words in a sentence. Thank you?
D: That is Not you. That is the Ego. What do you say?
I have reduced myself to are still judging that I have Ego?
D: You said Thank you after I addressed you as clever and Intelligent, not recognizing the words as a whole but only as they were, thus giving away who you are.
Only not.
For how woould I tell D that the sarcasm was not to merely counter All that he said, but as a defense to whatever I already hold strongly to ?
1st conflict ..with many more to come.
I still love him so.

Friday, May 19, 2006


The world's not s free s I thought it was.
Why do I smoke? Because I can.
Why do I drink? Because I can.
Because these are all My vices, God Forsake you take them away from me even if it's 'for my own good'.
You are Not the judge of me.
You are Not My God.
Oh, he'll get to me in time. I do suggest you stop worrying.
Go fit someone else in your perfect little fucking frame.

I'm still thinking of a proper endearment for someone who's almost like me but little more screwed up and of the opposite sex. Ideas?

Kept a journal not too long back, remember a certain entry around the lines of:
'I have come to the realization that No Guy is like me. Identical to My mind. Maybe that's the way it goes. I will always have the upper hand to the dog-brained testosteroned species.'

I take it all BACK. Alright? Perhaps this would decrease my karmic predisposition and I will finally be free.
But What Are your desires? Heaven forbid they be like mine, since I'm such a bloody original.

Take your festering emotions to a nice dark alley.
I can't Believe the audacity of some people, twisting your emotions into a little ball and rolling it downhill somehwhere where even you can't get a grip anywhere ..anymore. Thus, leading to the concept of 'Making Assumptions'.

When you leave, do it with grace.
There are lines of which you Do Not overstep. And there Will be a time where you will break somewhat hardcore. And when you fall, do not bring me with you.

Stop testing me. Really.

I've exposed your lies, baby
The underneath is no big surprise
Now it's time for changing
And cleansing everything
To forget your love

My plug in baby
Crucifies my enemies
When I'm tired of giving
My plug in baby
In unbroken virgin realities
Is tired of living

Don't confuse
Baby you're gonna lose
Your own game
Change me
And place the envying
To forget your love

My plug in baby
Crucifies my enemies
When I'm tired of giving
My plug in baby
In unbroken virgin realities
Is tired of living

And I feel your loving,
And I've been in trouble.



Biological factors in Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD) consist of inborn temperemental abnormalities. Impulsivity and emotional instability are unusually intense in these patients. These traits are known to be heritable.

Research shows that the impulsivity that characterizes borderline personality might be associated with decreased serotonin activity in the brain.

BPD patients often need to feel suicidal in order to know they can escape from their dysphoric feelings. Some patients report a fairly normal childhood but most likely, any scenario is possible. They are highly unstable emotionally and develop wide mood swings in response to stressful events.
Most often, borderline patients present to psychiatrists with repetitive suicidal attempts. We often see these patients in the emergency room, coming in with an OD/slashed wrist/ following a disappointment or a quarrel.
Interpersonal relationships are particularly unstable in BPD patients. Typically borderline patients have serious problems with boundaries. They become quickly involved with people and quickly disappointed in them. They make great demands on other people and easily become frightened of being abandoned by them. Their emotional life is something like that of a rollercoaster.
Relationships with others are intense but stormy and unstable with marked shift of feelings and difficulties in maintaning intimate, close connections. The person may manipulate others and has difficulty in trusting others. There are frequent shifts to an empty lonely depression or to irritability and anxiety. There may be unpredictable, impulsive behaviour which might include excessive spending, promiscuity, gambling, drug or alcohol abuse, shoplifting, overeating or physically self-damaging actions like suicide gestures.

The person may show inappropriate and intense anger or rage with temper tantrums, constant brooding and resentment, feelings of deprivation, and a loss of control or a fear of loss of control over angry feelings. There are identity disturbances with confusion and uncertainty about self-identity, sexuality, life goals and values, career choices and friendships.

There is a deep-seated feeling that one is flawed, defective, damaged or bad in some way with a tendency to go to extremes in thinking, feeling and behaviour. Under extreme stress or in some severe cases, there can be brief psychotic episodes with loss of contact with reality or bizarre behaviour or symptoms. Even in less severe instances, there is often significant disruption of relationships and work performance. The depression accompanying this disease can cause much suffering and can lead to serious suicide attempts.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Thorn from Korn

You simply defy, I cannot and look through the sky,
We try it single file, dig on me here is my denial,
I cannot ever find something safe my tongue on the fly,
I cannot live this way....floorin me we'll kick the PA.

You wanna play with me?
I'm really gonna rock your world.
You wanna come for me?
I'm gonna rock your world.

You say everything is fine, I cannot compete with the SKIES,
My sickness cross the line, come and meet my fly through the sky,
I cannot ever find, you and me we'll make ALL the lines,
Oh if they could see the play, no one would wanna Be Me.

So I fly, Take Me,
I cannot fly, most people hate me
To fly away from this pain.

Please take away..
please take away my PA.

Friday, May 12, 2006


It's chilly. For I have but 51 minutes to write before I reduce my fingers to a frozen mass, I'll try to make this short and somewhat bittersweet.
A few lies to put it rather mildly, a few slaps...Plus a rather round bruise above my tattooed arm rudely pushed me into a crude reality that I was pursuing an illusion of broken dreams. And can there only be one answer?
That if I follow my dreams and what my heart tells me, I would truly become and individual of inner strength splashed with a bit of peace here and there?
Dreams and hopes can be dashed with a whole kilo of doubt and an ounce of belief.
8) How do you see when faith is fading?
Or do you only look when faith starts to fade?
How can there be hope with streaks of mistrust unless it is overcome by a deeper meaning to whatever it is you were led to believe?

A crust of bread, warm milk and honey pleases a beggar who uses yesterday's Daily as his only source of warmth.

A sequel to wonderful moments can Never be relived in the exact same way. Only in the's the only thing to hold on to.

The mind's greatest friend and enemy is its own memory.

PS. hey S, Why not just stare at the moon every nite disregarding the fact you had a good or bad day? Am I not like the moon?
Did I offend you? I do apologize. But I was more offended in the 1st place if you do want to start making comparisons to cover your non-existent ass.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

In Limbo

I like to dwell on stupid little insignificant things in life which bear no relevance= significance in whatever I'm supposed to be thinking about right now.

Who needs plans in life? Everything's wrapped up in a nice package stamped (Just open me up already and stop bitching!) ps. please

Do you see when faith starts to fade or do u only look when faith is starting to fade?

How selfish of the moon ......its blaze hits u right between the eyes when there are just SOME nights where you'd actually like to be left alone. I'd like to rub out the stars just like Bruce did. There shd be a switch on everything in life. Or an eraser in hand.

ONP? I do dig a pit of remorse in myself thinking of the stars and 'mind-blowing' conversations held undermeath it. And I kick myself for not being smarter. Or more patient? ;)

There, there ...all u fuckers hold your tongues before you say 'I TOLD YOU SO!'

Hey....egomaniacs?? There's always someone better, hotter, smarter, nicer and less sarcastic that your partner will or might i say Might leave u for. so Watch out.

J ..u made me mad today. But it's true. You can only get smarter by playing a smarter opponent. But dammit some ppl just don't learn do they?
Hey u feel sorry for em already. I mean can't everyone just figureout the name of the game instead of going in blind? And come out crying like a bitch coz u got hurt? Well you weren't careful in the 1st place. *shrug* I told you so. 8)
There we go again, A vicious cycle, nonetheless.

Shall I be Your Liberator?